was born to Alje and Klaaske Doornbos.
Number 530.
At the year one thousand nine hundred and three at the third day of the month April is showed up for civil clerk of the Municipally Registration of the city Groningen, area Groningen, province Groningen Alje Doornbos, twenty-eight years, laborer living at Groningen and declared that at the second day of the month April is born at 4 P.M. at Groningen is born a male child named Johannes, son of Alje Doornbos and his house wife Klaaske Doornbos, without profession and living at Groningen.
This registration is made in presence of Johannes Pieter Westerhoff, thirty-eight years old, clerk and Jan Teake Henstra , thirty-three years old, writer, both living at Groningen.
After the record is reading out it’s signed by the father and the two witnesses.
John is buried in Washington Park Memorial Gardens
Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA
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