Clear Lake Baptist Church

The Clear Lake Baptist Church, located in Clear Lake, Indiana, was the church home to many of the Straw, Duguid, and Handy family members. George and Cyrus Handy were charter members of the church and Martha Handy was one of the first 3 to be baptized. George was one of the first Deacons and Cyrus was the first clerk. The Straw family were also strong supporters of the church.

There is a large glass enclosed case in the church that hold church memorabilia. They also have a book with old church records, both original and transcribed.

History of Clear Lake Baptist Church

First church clerk’s book showing the meeting to form the Clear Lake Baptist Church on July 2, 1864.
First Record Book
Church meeting 3-22-1879
Church meeting 3-22-1879
Church meeting 5-17-1879
Church meeting 6-14-1879
Church meeting 6-14-1879
Church meeting 7-12-1879
Church meeting 7-12-1879
Church meeting 8-9-1879
Church meeting 8-9-1879
Church meeting 12-27-1879
Church meeting 1-24-1880
Warranty Deed
First Women’s Missionary Society showing it’s formation
Clive Guise, Tony Wanholm, Ray Hilderbrandt, George Strawe 1947
Sunday School Rally, September 18, 1949