was the daughter of Fokke and Janna Doornbos. She married Alje (Albert) Doornbos.
No 36.
At the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven at the eight-tenth day of the month June is showed up for civil clerk of the Municipally Registration of Stedum , area Grongingen province Groningen Fokko Doornbos, thirty-four years, day laborer living at Garsthuizen and declared that at the eight-tenth day of the month June is born at 3 A.M. at Garsthuizen is born a female child named Klaaske daughter of Fokke Doornbos and Hoekenga Janna, his house wife, without profession and living at Garsthuizen.
This registration is made in presence of Barteld Ruiter, forty-four years old, merchandiser, living at Garsthuizen and Frans Ypey, thirty-nine years old, rural policeman, living at Stedum.
After the record is reading out it’s signed by the father and the two witnesses.
Alje ~ Klaasee Doornbos Marriage
Clara is buried in Rest Lawn Memorial Park
Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, USA
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