Hendrik Gerrits Schuiteman

was born to Gerrit and Grietje Shuiteman.

At the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four at the twenty-eighth day of the month April shown up for me Sebastiaan Jeronimus Johannes Henricus Smit, Mayor and Civil clerk of the municipally Doornspijk, Province Gelderland: Gerit Schuiteman, thirty-seven years old , farmer, living at Doornspijk who has declared that Grietje Eibrink, his wife, old twenty-eight years had given birth at Wednesday the twenty-sixth day of the month April of this year at 1PM to a male child with the name Hendrik.

This record is made in presence of Hendrik Jan Docter, thirty-eight years old, baker and Gerrit Eibrink, forty-one years old, farmer and both living at Doornspijk.

This record is signed by the father, the first witness and myself. The second witness declared that he is not able to write.

The date of birth on the death record was given by an informant and is incorrect.  As per his birth record from the Netherlands, Henry was born in 1854.

Photo taken by Sandy Vandertol ~ the year of birth is incorrect * see above

Henry is buried in Forest Grove Cemetery
Jamestown, Ottawa County, Michigan, USA
Plot: 6-2-8