Gerrit Hendrik Schuiteman

was born to Hendrik Schuiteman and Hendrikje Gerrits (Boone)

At the twentieth  day of the month May at the year one thousand eight hundred and sixteen at 9 AM is shown for us: Nicolaas van Rossen, Mayor and clerk of the Civil Administration of the municipally Doornspijk : Hendrik Schuiteman, day laborer, thirty-eight years old, living at Doornspijk who asked us to make a birth record because of the birth of his male child who is born out his housewife Hendrikje Gerrits, thirty-eight years old, born at Saturday May eighteen. The child will be named: Gerrit.

We made this record in presence of Jan Hendriks, farmer, fifty-three years old and Roelof Janssen, boatman, old twenty=eight years and both living at Doornspijk. This record is signed after reading out by us, except the father who declared he did not learned to write.
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NO 66

At the fifteenth day of the month October of the year one thousand eight hundered and fifty is shown up for us Sebastiaan Jeronimus Henricus Smits, Mayor and clerk of the Civil Administration of the municipally Doornspijk , province Gelderland: Jan van de Pol, forty years old, day laborer and Jan Bonenberg, thirty-three years old, boatman , both living at Doornspijk who both declared that has died in his house: Gerrit Schuiteman,  day laborer, born and lived at Doornspijk, husband of Grietje Eibrink, son of Hendrik Schuiteman deceased and Hendrikje Boone, without profession living at Doornspijk at the age of forty-two years old. After reading out this record is signed by all.