was born to Frederick and Catharine Straw.

GEORGE W. STRAW. George W. Straw was born in Dauphin county, Pa., Nov. 10, 1841, died at his home in Fremont, Ind., Nov. 7, 1915, aged 73 years, 11 months and 27 days. Mr. Straw was of German descent, his great grand parents having emigrated from Germany to the state of Pennsylvania, not under the name of Straw, but Sthrough, or Stroh. He came with his parents to Fremont in 1856, and passed through the experiences common to boys reared on a pioneer farm. In the nearly sixty years that he has lived here he has seen a pioneer settlement grow into a thriving community in the development of which his industry and enterprise have been a part. He was scrupulously honest in all his dealings, and took pride in meeting promptly and cheerfully all his obligations as a citizen. He was a man of few words, who kept his own business affairs and whose own conscience was the dictator of his religion and his politices. He looked upon the Bible and religion from a practical viewpoint and always backed up his belief by his acts and word, sincerely believing in the consistent and reasonable practice of every day righteousness as the true test of Divine service, and rejecting all mere formalities as a means of righting wrong or washing away sin. He was united in marriage to Maria Shank, daughter of Jacob and M. Shank, in 1873. On January 28, 1874, she departed this life and he was married to Laura Stauffer, July 29, 1892. To this union were born two daughters, Beulah, aged 26 and Lucile, aged 7, who with the wife survive to mourn the loss of a loving husband and father. One of a family of eight children, he is survived by one sister, Mrs. Amanda Bricker and two brothers, Benjamin, of Coldwater, and Phillip who lives in Fremont, and other relatives and friends. .pdf of source

George is buried in Fremont Cemetery
Fremont, Steuben County, Indiana, USA
Plot: Lot 148