was the son of George and Elizabeth Straw.

Fremont Eagle Feb. 14 1893 OBITUARY. Frederick Straw died at Fremont, Ind., February 12, 1893, aged 81 years 8 months and 3 days. Deceased was born in Dauphin Co., Pa. In the spring of 1856 he came to Fremont with his family. He was converted and became identified with the Evangelical church fifty-two years ago. He was a consistent christian and a liberal supporter of the church. During the greater part of his life he occupied the different offices of his church with much acceptability. In his family he was a kind and affectionate husband and father, in the community a good citizen. To know him was to respect and esteem him. His sufferings are over, the victory is his. May we imitate his virtues. Funeral services were held in the east church, Tuesday Feb. 14, at 11 a. m. by Rev. J. A. Frye, P. E., N, Frye, pastor S. Brown, and Rev. A. M. Hagenbook, pastor M. E. Church. He leaves six children and numerous grand-children and great grand-children to mourn his departure. The daughters are Mrs. Anna Wade of Imlay City, Mich., Mrs. Elizabeth Isenhower of Fremont, and Miss Amanda Straw. The sons are Geo. and Fred B. Straw of Fremont, and Benj. Straw of California. Mrs. Katie Straw, the widow of a deceased son, with her sons, Albert, William, Granville, George, Harvey and Hermie were present at the funeral. Roy Straw, of Chicago, was also present. Grand-daughters residing in near Fremont, are Mrs. Lamora Powers, Mrs. Sarah Geedy, Mrs. Curwin and Miss Eva Isenhower. .pdf of source

Frederick is buried in Fremont Cemetery
Fremont, Steuben County, Indiana, USA
Plot: Lot 100