was born to Kornelis Sytzes and Elizabeth Jager.

At the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five at the 31th day of the month August shown up for us, Fokke Sijtzes Reiding, Civil clerk of the municipally Smallingerland, Province Friesland: Kornelis Sijtzes Jager, age fourty-five, cow milker, living at Dragten, who declared that at the twenty-eight day of August at 5.30 P.M. is born at his house a male child named Tiemen from his housewife Elizabeth Klazes Pool, living at Dragten and without profession. His declaration is made in presence of Kornelis Veenstra, forty-nine years old, clerk, living at Dragten. After reading out this record is signed by the father, the witness and the civil clerk.

There have been various spellings of our Ancestor’s name through the years. He was born ‘Tieman’ and used Tymen, Timen or Temen. At his death, he was known as Temen. He was called ‘Tim’ for short.

Temen is buried in Grandville Cemetery
Grandville, Kent County, Michigan, USA
Plot: C-068-03-003