was born to Clayton and Martha Beulah Straw.

James died at the age of 7 years old of an appendicitis. He is buried next to his parents in Ray Cemetery, Steuben County, Indiana.
James Howard Straw, third son of Clayton and Buelah Duguid Straw was born near Ray, Indiana, January 17, 1922, and died at the Wade memorial hospital in Coldwater, Michigan, March 5, 1929, aged 7 years, 1 month and 16 days. Bright, happy and cheerful, Jim carried sunshine with him wherever he went. He always had a smile and a pleasant word. His death comes as a dark shadow to the family and friends, who loved him so dearly. Death is a hard master, taking from us our brightest and best, but even he cannot mar memory. Father, mother, brothers and sisters; Robert, George, John, Dorothy Anne, and Mary Lue and grandparents and other relatives will sadly miss vivacious Jim from their home life. Dear little Jim, we won't think of you as sleeping in the "Silent City", but as playing happy in the "City Beautiful." Funeral services were conducted at the R.P. church Ray, Friday at 11 a.m., the Rev. R.S. Brown officiating, assisted by the Rev. Charles McCLang. Mr. and Mrs. H.D. Lint sang sweet hymns of consolation. Burial in Ray cemetery. The floral offering was exceedingly beautiful. "Gladness has gone from the gay house That listened to your boyish tread, Each trifling thing you touched awaits your hand - Your ball, your cap, the book half read. Dear boy - adventure, you go - No tired traveler seeking rest, But resolute, aglow with life, a thrill To all the magic of your quest. And they who love you must conceal In sorrow's sanctuary deep, The wild, dumb longing - while the gate o' dreams Swings as their lad smiles in his sleep." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Angola Herald Angola, Indiana March 15, 1929 Page 2 .pdf of source .pdf of source