was born to Cyrenus and Nancy Handy.

The Last Will and Testament of Alpheus Handy I Alpheus Handy of the Town of Ogden County of Monroe and State of New York do make and publish and declare my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say. First – I direct my Executor to pay all my just debts and funeral charges as soon after my decease as may be. Second – I give and bequeath unto my wife Maria Handy all my household furniture, Books & papers and in addition to her dower right I give to my said wife Maria an annuity of fifty dollars per anum to be paid to her annually during her natural life the first payment to be paid one year after my decease. Third – I give and bequeath unto my daughter Pluma Kinney the sum of one hundred dollars. Fourth – I give and bequeath unto my son Leman Handy the sum of Two hundred Dollars. Fifth – I give and bequeath unto my daughter Frances Smith the sum of fifty dollars Sixth – I give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Parrish one hundred dollars. Seventh – I give and bequeath unto my daughter Caroline Handy the sum of one hundred dollars. All of the above Legacies and the annuity to my wife Maria I hereby make a charge and Lien upon all my real and personal property that I own or possess at the time of my decease except such articles of personal property herein. Speficially bequeathed to my wife Maria and are to be paid by my son John D Handy as hereinafter directed. Eighth – I give devise and bequeath unto my son John D Handy all the rest residue and remainder of my Estate both real and personal to have and to hold the same by my said son John D Handy his heirs and assigns forever – subject nevertheless form the proceeds of all my property to the payment of all my just debts and funeral charges and the Legacies and annuity hereinbefore mentioned to be paid by him at the following times and in the following order. The debts and funeral charges payable immediately after my decease, the annuity to my wife to be paid annually after my decease – two years after my decease or the decease of my said wife Maria which ever event happens last the Legacy to my daughter Pluma Kinney to be paid – two years from that time the Legacy to my son Leman Handy to be paid and all the Legacies to be paid in the order they are herein given and each Legacy to become due two years after the preceding legacy – My real Estate (not to be sold conveyed or in any way dispersed of during the life time of my wife Maria without her consent expressed in writing. Lastly – I hereby nominate and appoint my son John D Handy sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby expressly revoking all former Wills by me made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 7th Day of December A.D. 1868 U.S Rev. Int $6.00 Stamp Cancelled Alpheus Handy L.S. The above will consisting of one sheet was signed sealed published and declared by the Testator to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence have subscribed our names as witnesses______ George W. Patterson Resides in Parma Monroe Co N. Y. ___ Edwin R Twentyman Resides in Parma Monroe Co. N. Y. ___ State of New York} Monroe County } SS: Be it Remembered, That on the day of the date hereof, the last Will and Testament of Alpheus Handy late of the town of Ogden in said County, deceased, being the foregoing written instrument, was duly proved before W.D Shuart Esq. Surrogate of the said County, according to law, as and for the last Will and Testament of the Real and Personal Estate of said deceased which said last Will and Testament, and the proofs and examinations taken thereon are recorded in his office___ L.S In Testimony Whereof The Surrogate of the said County has hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal of office, this 8th day of June 1870 U.S. Int. Rev 5ȼ Stamp Cancelled W. D Shuart, Surrogate Surrogate’s Court Monroe County In the Matter of Proving the Last Will and Testament of Alpheus Handy ___ Deceased Monroe County SS: __ George W. Patterson and Edwin R. Twentymen being first duly sworn in open court, upon their several corporal oaths, each for himself doth depose and say, that he is a subscribing witness to the last Will and Testament of Alpheus Handy late of the town of Ogden in the County of Monroe and State of New York deceased, And these deponents do further say, that the said Alpheus Handy deceased, and which bears date on the 7th day of December on thousand eight hundred and sixty eight and the said Alpheus Handy died Ogden on the 5th day of April 1870 as deponents are informed & believe that the said deceased did, at the time of subscribing his name to the said instrument as aforesaid, declared the same to be his last Will and Testament: and these deponents did thereupon subscribe their own respective names at the end of said instrument as attesting witnesses to the execution thereof; each at the request of the said deceased, and in his presence and in the presence of each other. That the said deceased, at the time of so subscribing his name to said instrument as aforesaid, and publishing said instrument as aforesaid, was upwards of twenty-one years of age, and a citizen of the United States: that he appeared to be, and deponents believe he was of sound mind, memory, and understanding, and not under any restraint, and as deponents verily believe, in all respects competent to devise real estate: that each of these deponents saw the other sign his name to the said instrument in the presence of the said deceased G.W. Patterson Sworn this 8th day of June 1870 E.R Twentymen W.D. Shuart, Surrogate of Monroe County A True Record of the Last Will and Testament of Alpheus Handy; late of the Town of Ogden in the County of Monroe and State of New York deceased, and the proofs, proceedings, and examinations had, and taken on admitting said Will to be proved and recorded according to law as a Will of Real and Personal Estate. [Signature of Surrogate] Recorded and Examined June 8th 1870 [Signature of Surrogate]